Regulatory and Sanitary Affairs INVIMA
At Affirma Law we represent our clients in sanitary processes before Invima, Secretaría de Salud and before ICA (Instituto Colombiano Agropecuario), to the extent that these processes may results in fine of 10,000 minimum daily, legal and current wages, as well as confiscation of products, suspension or cancellation of the sanitary registration and the temporary or definitive closure of the commercial property or factory. In case the client is penalized with a sanction, the Invima can seize his money and his assets by coercive collection.
We are a law firm, specialist in Invima matters, Sanitary and Regulatory Law, that represents and counsels its clients in the procurement of sanitary registration in Colombia and abroad, whether it's food, medicines, physiotherapeutic, dietary supplements, cosmetics, alcoholic drinks, medical devices, among others. We also defend our clients in any eventual sanction process before the Invima, representing them in the governmental area, that is to say, during the eventual responsibility before the entity or taking the case before an administrative judge, who will be in charge of defining whether the entity had a reason or not, within the sanctioning process.
INVIMAMost of the products for mass consumption for human or veterinarian applications are monitored and regulated by the corresponding state entity of each country. In Colombia, the entity in charge of ensuring compliance of the sanitary regulations for human consumption products is the Invima (Instituto Nacional de vigilancia de Medicamentos y Alimentos). On the other hand, the entity responsible for guaranteeing the standards for veterinary products is the ICA (Instituto Colombiano Agropecuario).
Invima's mission is to inspect, look over and monitor the establishments of producing and commercializing the products which are referred in article 245 of Law 100 of 1993. It is also the authority responsible for giving the health registrations of food, dietary supplements, physiotherapeutic, medicines, cosmetics, alcoholic drinks, medical devices, among others.
Likewise, Invima has sanctioning powers along with the Dirección de Responsabilidad Sanitaria, the agency that determines if there is any breach of the sanitary normative. Thus, the owners of production companies or product makers companies for human applications, have to be aware of the sanctioning process through legal counseling with expert lawyers in Invima matters and sanitary law as in our office.
According to the Ordinance 677 of 1995, Invima has the maximum sanitary and administrative authority on taking sanitary measures, from confiscation, destruction or sealing of goods, until the closure of the establishments or factories where products are made or commercialized.
At Affirma Law, we provide legal counseling and representation in Sanitary and Regulatory Law, in different countries of the region. In case our clients live in EEUU, Panama or Peru, we have allied law firms in those countries, which allows us to internationalize our legal services.